Our Commitment to Privacy At San Judas Tattoo, we are dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in everything we do. These core values are fundamental to our business, and we aim to reflect them in the experiences we create for our visitors on our website, sanjudastattoo.com. To ensure that our website is accessible to all individuals, we continuously strive to meet the best practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium. Our website is periodically monitored and tested by both internal and third-party accessibility consultants who help us identify any usability issues and implement solutions to enhance the overall accessibility of our site.

Our Current Accessibility Features As part of our ongoing efforts to improve web accessibility, we have implemented the following features on sanjudastattoo.com:

  1. Alternative Text: We provide alternative text descriptions for appropriate images and other non-text elements, ensuring that users with visual impairments can comprehend the content.
  2. Title Attributes: For better understanding, we use title attributes to provide additional information about links and indicate when a link will open in a new browser window.
  3. Structural Markup: We use structural markup to indicate headings and lists, making it easier for users to navigate and understand the page content.
  4. Form Associations: Our forms are associated with labels to ensure that users of assistive technologies can interact with them effectively.
  5. Data Table Accessibility: We ensure that all data cells in data tables are associated with their corresponding headers, presenting data in a well-organized manner.
  6. JavaScript and Style Sheets: JavaScript and style sheets are used to enhance the appearance and functionality of the site. In cases where these technologies are unavailable, we provide alternative content to ensure a seamless user experience.

Ongoing Accessibility Efforts We are committed to continuous improvement in web accessibility, and our efforts to enhance the accessibility of sanjudastattoo.com are ongoing. As we make further updates and improvements to our website, we will update this accessibility statement to keep our visitors informed about our progress.

Contact Us If you have any questions, concerns, or encounter any difficulties while using our website, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@sanjudastattoo.com or call us at [Your Contact Number]. We are dedicated to addressing any issues or concerns you may have and will make reasonable efforts to provide you with an accessible experience. This may include offering alternative methods for accessing content, improving site features, or promptly fulfilling your requests and orders.

At San Judas Tattoo, we believe in providing equal access to all visitors, and we value your feedback as we strive to create an inclusive online experience for everyone.